Funeral Songs and Memorial Songs
Popular funeral songs are listed here.
Just click on the song photo below to open up a page with the lyrics and iTunes player. To see just the funeral country songs, visit our Country Funeral Songs page.
We’ve included the top funeral songs, that are uplifting, popular, modern or classic. These songs are the best memorial songs that our readers have recommended.
Most Popular Funeral Songs:
Here is the most popular funeral music on our site, in all different styles (click arrow or drag left with mouse to view more):
All Funeral Songs:
Select the song name to read the lyrics and play the song. Use the page numbers to view more pages of songs. Sort the songs in the page by using the sort categories. To see funeral songs for Dad, select “Songs for Dad” and for funeral songs for Mom, select “Songs for Mom”.
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To see modern funeral songs, click the box above the list. You can choose modern funeral songs, classic funeral songs, Seventies and Eighties songs, or funeral songs for Mom or Dad. To see the funeral country songs, visit our Country Funeral Songs page. Any of these would be good memorial songs to use at a funeral service, memorial or Celebration of Life.
More funeral planning resources:
Funeral poems and memorial verses
How to give a eulogy
How to write an obituary
Five ideas for planning a funeral, memorial or life celebration
You may also be interested in:
Funeral Poems for Mom.
Funeral Poems for Dad.
Four ideas you can use to create a memorable Celebration of Life (click photo for more info):
- Think about your loved ones hobbies and passions. Gather some of the key things that were important to your loved one. At the entrance to the service, have the items displayed on a large table.
- Have your guests fill out these share memory cards at the funeral to capture special memories of your loved one.

Planning a Life Celebration Downloadable Guidebook has many tips, ideas, and examples plus a handy checklist.
Need more help? Download our guide to Planning a Life Celebration. It has lots of tips and a handy planning checklist.